A femtosecond defines as one millionth of one billionth of a second. Femtosecond lasers perform surgery in those types of time frames. These types of lasers prove especially useful for cataract surgery which is surgery done on the lens of the eye. These systems offer computer guided laser precision on the eye making surgery possible, efficient and safe.
Relatively recent LenSx designed a femtosecond laser system. In 2012 the Ophthalmology journal reported on a cohort study with 200 eyes between April 2011 and June 2011. All the cases were anterior capsulotomy which means an incision on the front side of the eye. The procedure involved a phacoemulsification which means the malfunctioning lens reduces to a liquid by ultrasonic vibrations and then becomes siphoned out. In its place the LenSx artificial lens is placed in for clearer vision. What the study found was femtosecond lasers plus LenSx product made for excellent surgical outcomes. Surgeons who had the highest rating had experience with femtosecond lasers so when adding the LenSx product with its many advantages the outcome upped percentages. The study concluded that with this particular product a clear learning curve existed and recommended training for surgeons. No worries at Sugarland Eye & Laser clinic in Houston. Dr. Amjad Khokhar and staff are award winning experts at laser eye surgery in Houston. With their highly rated counseling with staff and consultation with doctors, you have optimum chance of restoring sight.
LenSx system of surgery has definite advantages. Its more precise. In cataract surgery precision counts when determining where to locate the incision. It has more stability. A problem with intraocular has been rotation after implantation, but the LenSx product and system makes for a more stable implant of the lens giving years of clear vision. As the results accumulate with successful patient outcomes we may see LenSx system become the standard. For patients the best way to get the best surgical outcome becomes an honest discussion with your doctor. It matters which doctor you pick for this particular procedure. Its relative newness and the fact the process sequences differently mean a surgeon needs to be experienced in the procedure.
How to decide what is best for you
Begin with an eye checkup. Get the status of your cataract. Determine if any other problems exist other than the cataracts. Discuss with the doctor the possibility of LenSx since it is FDA recommended for cataract surgery use. If you have any other problems, then an in depth discussion of the pros and cons of using the LenSx process becomes a must. Different procedures cover different eye issues. Other products can cover more than one condition. As far as cataract surgery alone the results from LenSx are hard to beat. Having good vision in your senior years means a higher quality of life and less possibility of having a fall. Talk to your doctor today about all the possibilities and make a decision for life.
Sugarland Eye & Laser Center leads in providing premium LASIK technologies to Houston, Sugar Land, and the surrounding region. The center’s award-winning medical director introduced revolutionary technologies such as iLASIK to the region. This technology is used by NASA astronauts, Navy SEALS and Air Force fighter pilots. At Sugar Land Eye & Laser Center, you can now receive the same treatment. For more information, please call (281) 240-0478.: