History of Eyeglasses
Unlike other inventions, spectacles or eyeglasses have, ironically, an unclear history. Although there are many individuals who have been associated with its development over the years, there is no single person who can be credited for its invention. History shows that the Vikings were actually using some kind of device that magnified objects. 13th Century […]
The Purkinje Effect
Also called the Purkinje Shift, this condition is the tendency of the eyes to loser their color contrasting abilities on the change of luminance. Sensitivity to luminance causes the eyes vision to shift towards the blue section of the color spectrum when the illumination levels are low. This means that the Purkinje Effect induces color […]
What is Pink Eye?
What is Pink Eye and what should you do if you have it? Pink eye is the common term for conjunctivitis. It is characterized by swelling of the mucus membrane that surrounds the surface of the eye, the conjunctiva. When the eye is healthy this membrane is clear. When you have pink eye, the lining […]
Most Common Poor Contact Lens Habits
According to a recently conducted national survey, a lot of people who are wearing contact lenses are practicing poor contact lens habits. Many of them are not even aware that their habits are wrong. Whether they are aware of it or not, such habits can cause severe and even permanent damage to their eyes. What […]