5 Facts That You May Not Know About Diabetic Eye Disease
One of the complications of diabetes develops as diabetic eye disease. However, not many diabetic patients are familiar with diabetic eye disease so here are 5 facts that you may not have discovered about diabetic eye disease: 1. Diabetic eye disease is not diabetic retinopathy Diabetic eye disease develops differently than diabetic retinopathy. […]
Having Custom LASIK Done
The VISX STAR laser is a powerful piece of equipment that allows a surgeon to perform extremely detailed surgery. As one of the more advanced methods of Lasik, the use of the VISX STAR is tailored to the individual instead of taking a "one size fits all" approach to vision correction. Using WaveScan, the doctor […]
Dangers of Swimming with Contact Lenses
Back in 2012, there was a story in the Daily Mail about a young woman named Jennie Hurst, who went for a swim with contact lenses on and some days later turned out one eye blind. Going blind from misuse of contact lenses is not an urban legend. The dangers of swimming with contacts are […]
Tips for Wearing Contacts in the Summer
Summer’s here again. So are all kinds of outdoor fun! Beaches to swim in, mountains to climb, new places to travel to and visit. Having good vision makes outdoor activities more enjoyable, but if you’re wearing contact lenses, extra care is essential for maintaining eye health and minimizing risks for dry eyes and eye infection. […]
Overcoming Monovision
The visual issues that many people develop in later life can be irritating, particularly for people whose self-image is that they do not wear glasses nor need any sort of corrective work done. For these individuals, the entire process is a pain that they do not want in their lives. Monovision is one possible solution […]
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Have LASIK Surgery
Vision ranks as one of our key senses to navigating the world. Keeping your vision in the best shape possible should be a priority as we age. Part of aging involves the lens becoming less flexible when no disease process is present. With a disease, finding ways to maximize our senses makes for better quality […]
Top Reasons Why LASIK is the Preferred Treatment Choice for Poor Vision
Many types of vision problems exist. The common ones are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia. The following defines what each problem is: Myopia Affected patients have difficulty focusing on objects at a distance. Compelled to wear glasses or contact lenses, patients have difficulty in performing day to day tasks, especially driving. Myopia can manifest in […]
Top Benefits of Opting for Toric IOL
Patients affected by astigmatism have blurry vision problems and need corrective laser eye surgery. Constraints exist to wearing glasses and contacts. Often a toric lens has become a common treatment for astigmatism, which is performed during the time of cataract surgery. What is astigmatism? Those affected with this condition have problems focusing on objects. The […]
Top 5 Ways To Prevent Dry Eyes
Patients affected with dry eyes deal with itching and burning of the eyes constantly. Medical conditions such as faulty eye surgery and inherent allergies can cause these symptoms. Externalities such as pollution and overheated surroundings can contribute to these conditions as well. Women over 40 experience dry eye symptoms due to hormonal changes that cause […]
Top 10 Myths About LASIK Surgery
Information online comes so readily available that is has sometimes become more of a bane than a boon. Discerning what is relevant and trustworthy information about laser eye surgery takes time. To make matters, worse, conflicting stories can add to the confusion from less than reputable sites. Take the time to check the source of […]