What is Pink Eye?
What is Pink Eye and what should you do if you have it? Pink eye is the common term for conjunctivitis. It is characterized by swelling of the mucus membrane that surrounds the surface of the eye, the conjunctiva. When the eye is healthy this membrane is clear. When you have pink eye, the lining […]
Most Common Poor Contact Lens Habits
According to a recently conducted national survey, a lot of people who are wearing contact lenses are practicing poor contact lens habits. Many of them are not even aware that their habits are wrong. Whether they are aware of it or not, such habits can cause severe and even permanent damage to their eyes. What […]
Diabetic Eye Disease: What is it?
Diabetic eye disease denotes a group of eye problems that are associated with diabetes. These are diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma. They are all complications of diabetes. So, if you have the chronic disease diabetes, you should have your eyes check for any of these conditions. The good news is that these conditions can become […]
What is myopia and how is it caused?
Myopia or nearsightedness is a condition in which the patient cannot see objects at a distance but are able to see objects close to them. It is caused due to an elongated eye ball that focuses light in front of the retina, thus causing this problem. Some other reasons could be an excessively curved cornea […]
Tips to Detect Glaucoma: Early detection means stopping the disease in its tracks
Early detection is the key to treat glaucoma. When glaucoma sets in, many patients often don’t feel any symptoms. This is why this eye disease is called a silent enemy. Glaucoma then progresses rapidly leaving no time for the patient to get preventive or reversibly treatment. At what age should one start taking eye tests […]