Category: General

Will Watching Too Much TikTok Damage My Eyes?

TikTok defines as a social media platform for creating, sharing, and viewing short videos. As far as eye health, there are no reported cases of TikTok specifically harming vision or physically harming eyes by watching it. By some of TikTok’s content though, it has ruined some people’s eye health. The specific content that has threatened […]

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Will Pink Eye Change My Vision?

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, defines as an inflammation of the transparent lining of the eyeball and eyelid. The transparent lining, conjunctiva, with its tiny blood vessels, becomes swollen and irritated when infected with a virus, bacteria, or allergen. The eye tears up, and the vessels swell, making the pink color of the usually […]

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When Can I Have Sex After Eye Surgery?

If surgery involves the retina, then before surgery, a patient needs to chat with the good doctors of Houston LASIK if they have used sildenafil citrate, hormone replacement therapy, or recent treatment for a sexually transmitted disease. All of which can affect the retina. Specialists of retinas and such surgeries know the ocular complications of […]

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What Foods Can Make My Eyes Stronger?

Maintaining eye health remains a significant way to have a good quality of life. As a person ages, attending to eye health becomes more important. Before considering a Houston LASIK surgery, a person should check into the foods, vitamins, and minerals consistently taken in over a period of time. Whatever may be lacking, finding a […]

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Is Watching Too Much TikTok Bad For Your Eyes?

No specific social media causes a problem with the eyes. What professional ophthalmologists and optometrists say in conferences and research has become it is the amount of screen time that affects some but not all people’s eye health. In the digital age, many employees are required to use digital devices for many hours at work. […]

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How Can I Change the Color of My Eyes?

Fall has arrived, and the Halloween season lets one try new things. One of the more recent trends has been changing eye color. Of course for Halloween, the possibilities depend on the desires of which dark being or character chosen. Houston LASIK doctors want to ensure maximum eye health remains during the altered state. FDA […]

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The Sharpest Surgical Knives are Made of Light

Sunlight streaming down from heaven surprisingly has many components. In the correct range, it provides the catalyst to make vitamin D, warms our bodies, and lets a person get a tan. Too much exposure can cause a burn, but for our eyes, the part a person does not see may cause issues as well. Known […]

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Where the Pterygiums are

Reading the word, a person could conclude that a baby dinosaur has come to visit. Though the appendage can have the shape of a pterodactyl wing, a pterygium is not its child. The eye has a translucent mucous membrane that covers it and lines the inside of the eyelid. Once in a while, the translucent […]

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Summer Solstice and the Eyes

The amount of sunshine hitting the earth varies daily, but it also varies seasonally. Two moments in the year, the Summer solstice occurs. In the Northern Hemisphere, June 20 to June 21st and in the Southern Hemisphere, December 21 or 22nd, the path of the Sun in the sky locates farthest. It means those days […]

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Make Sure You are Ready for International Literacy Day

The days have become shorter, and suddenly September 8th arrives, and it’s International Literacy Day. Reading remains one of the significant ways that people grow intellectually, emotionally, and even psychologically. New books give new ideas or release emotions safely. It provides a point of conversation with others as discoveries in the reading become shared. It […]

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