Poor Vision During the Ancient Times
The first eyeglass was invented during the 13th century, but even before that people were already suffering from poor vision. Nearsightedness and farsightedness were quite common. In fact, historical accounts exist of people suffering from poor eyesight. Some but not all of it due was due to their cultures, such as being injured in the […]
It’s Not Vision Loss, You’re Just Pregnant
A lot of changes happen to the body when one becomes pregnant and some of these changes affects one’s vision. If you are pregnant and experiencing changes in your vision, here are some insights that you may find interesting. Changes in Cornea During pregnancy, the cornea undergoes changes in the curvature and thickness of […]
Are You at Risk for Ocular Hypertension
You may not know it but you may be actually suffering from ocular hypertension or high eye pressure. Ocular hypertension happens when the pressure in the eye becomes abnormal. This may cause glaucoma and even vision loss. Ocular hypertension is in fact quite common so it’s important to have your eyes checked by your doctor. […]
How did the Eyes Evolve?
The eyes are amongst the most complex organs in the body. The question as to how the eyes evolved has always confounded people. Darwin’s theory does not completely explain the evolution of the eye through the process of natural selection and mutation. Darwin has also upheld this fact and conceded that his theory could not […]
Changes to the Eyes at Middle Age
As we age naturally occurring changes to the body nudges us to make adjustments. One of the areas of the body affected by aging becomes our eyes. Around the middle forties, some adults see a blurring when they try to read. Classified as a normal change known as presbyopia the lens becomes slightly less flexible. […]
Why Don’t Older Celebrities Wear Glasses
We love to watch them play sports, do movies or TV Shows. We admire their fine looks and antics that entertain us. We notice as we age they seem not to at first. When we are well into our reading glasses they have youthful appearing eyes. How? Many celebrities have discovered the gift of LASIK. […]
Trouble with reading? Try taking Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in the diet
New research by scientists at the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre indicated that taking Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids improved the cognitive ability of children. The test was conducted on children with difficulty reading, writing and comprehending. It must be noted that while most fats can be produced within the body, Omega-3 and Omega-6 has to be […]
Patience and Your Vision
When your vision becomes blurry or when seeing at night becomes a challenge that gets worse due to halos or starbursts, it is tempting to want the problem to end right away. In fact, ending the problem as quickly as is humanly possible can become your main goal. However, often being patient is the best […]
When You Just Can’t Quite See
It’s the time of year that things go bump in the night, but before you think you just have seen a ghost, consider checking your vision. Blurry vision affects the quality of life. Many causes exist for blurred vision. In most cases, it can be corrected. Often the blurring comes on gradually Common causes of […]
New Approach Developed for Laser Surgery
Globally LASIK has become the surgery of choice for improving vision. What has impressed doctors has been patients ask for the surgery even though insurance classifies it as an elective. Study after study has shown it highly effective for improving vision in certain areas. One of the reasons the surgery has remained popular despite out […]