With all the buzz about the latest laser technology and the success rate of the procedure, a person could almost forget how it all works. Nothing about LASIK starts with the lasers at all. It begins with an ophthalmologist sitting down with a patient and listening to what they describe what they see. From that, an ophthalmologist begins to formulate questions that will hone in on the specifics of their patient’s condition. Once that process happens then determining which method and which equipment to use becomes the foundation that creates the data to input into a laser. A doctor-patient relationship revolves around a conversation about sight. The miracle of all that begins with the ophthalmologist can never see through your eyes. They must take your word for it. Using their tools of the trade confirm your words with numbers and data which becomes translated into a language the laser technology can understand so as to perform the surgery.
Tailored to your eyes needs
One of the main reasons Houston LASIK has been so successful at the surgery has been the ability of the staff to know what information to give. They anticipate the questions someone might ask and explore all the possibilities. Once the person understands their condition and what possible options may exist then a consultation becomes set up. No hurry in the consultation at all. Decisions about the possibilities do not necessarily happen in one sitting. Sometimes it takes time to choose the option that works with the lifestyle a patient has. Consider the following:
- Is 20/20 vision essential in the job or activities you do?
- The quantity and quality of your refractive error?
- How upset would you be if it takes more than one surgery to correct the vision?
- Understanding that for some activities after a certain age such as 40 you may need reading glasses for some activities?
The American Academy of Ophthalmology and the International Society of Refractive Surgery both state more than 90 percent of people who have the laser eye surgery achieve between 20/20 to 20/40 vision without the use of contact lens or glasses.
The process
After a good conversation, the doctor will consider all the options. LASIK classifies as outpatient surgery. A patient lies under a surgical device known as a laser. Several different types of lasers exist, and which one becomes used depends on the need. A few drops of the numbing solution become placed in the eyes known as a topical anesthetic. Then a speculum will be maneuvered between the eyelids to keep the eye open while the laser performs. A suction ring itself presents the cornea to the laser and keeps the eye still. People report that their vision darkens during this time. In seconds the laser gears up and creates the necessary flap, and the laser sculpts the cornea. The flap comes back down. The surgery is done.
Arrange for someone to drive you home. You will receive medications, eye drops, and instructions for self-care. The next day your vision will be good enough for you to drive to the clinic for the follow-up visit. A few more follow visits for 3 to 6 months, and the process becomes complete. Call the Houston LASIK clinic today and see what options exist for you.
Houston Lasik leads in providing premium LASIK technologies to Houston, Sugar Land, and the surrounding region. The center’s award-winning medical director introduced revolutionary technologies such as iLASIK to the region. This technology is used by NASA astronauts, Navy SEALS and Air Force fighter pilots. At Houston Lasik, you can now receive the same treatment. For more information, please call (281) 240-0478.