Even after LASIK surgery or any other refractive procedure, if you did not get the results you expected then you may be recommended other procedures such as gas permeable (GP) or hybrid contact lenses. These procedures also help improve clarity of vision. These options are considered when people are not suitable candidates for an enhancement procedure. These contact lenses have a hard surface that addresses the optical defects which eyeglasses or soft lenses did not correct.
When would you require post procedure contact lenses?
The way laser eye surgery works is doctors reshape the front surface of your eye by taking out a small amount of tissue underneath the cornea. In some cases, this procedure can cause irregularities that can impact the shape of the cornea and your vision. Some of these irregularities can become fixed by following up enhancement procedures. However, some candidates are not suitable for a second procedure due to the thin corneal layer or other problems that can rule out the possibility of an enhancement treatment. In this case, your eye doctor will recommend that you go for post-surgery contact lenses or hybrid contact lenses to improve your vision.
How do these hybrid contact lenses work?
The rigidity of these contact lenses helps them retain their shape when inside the eye. Soft lenses lose some of their shape when they cover the cornea. This is important because the space between hybrid lenses and the cornea becomes filled with tears which help eliminate the irregularities on the surface of the cornea that caused the abnormality in vision. The front surface of the GP lens has a smoothness which optically substitutes the unbalanced corneal surface and removes the visual blur and distortion. The soft lenses become incapable of canceling the irregularity and are not recommended after the surgery.
Is there any alternative to hybrid lenses?
If you want to avoid using the gas permeable lenses after your LASIK procedure for vision correction then you can also go for high definition eyeglass lenses. These are the latest addition to the eye wear section that has become highly effective in correcting any minor irregularities that remain after a LASIK procedure. You may be advised to wear high definition glass lenses if you did not suffer any significant alteration to your cornea and do not want to wear contact lenses after treatment.
Creation of high definition eyeglass lenses uses state of the art equipment and advanced technology. It provides an accurate refractive surface on the lens. The users who have used the high definition lenses report that they received distinctly sharper vision than with a conservative lens. They were able to perform vision related tasks with much greater clarity, which includes nighttime driving.
You have many choices for taking care of your eyes. Get second opinions and ask for a consultation. Ask staff to explain procedures and processes to you. Always remember to seek guidance from a reputed refractive surgeon like Sugarland Eye & Laser Center based in Houston who will recommend the best solution in your particular case.
Sugarland Eye & Laser Center leads in providing premium LASIK technologies to Houston, Sugar Land, and the surrounding region. The Center’s award-winning medical director introduced revolutionary technologies such as iLASIK to the region. This technology is used by NASA astronauts, Navy SEALS and Air Force fighter pilots. At Sugarland Eye & Laser Center, you can now receive the same treatment. For more information, please call (281) 240-0478 or visit us at www.houston-lasik.com.
About the Author
Amjad Khokhar, M.D. is Chief LASIK Surgeon at Sugarland Eye & Laser Center. Add Dr. Khokhar on Google+ here.
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