The Military and LASIK
In the month of November, the nation celebrates Veterans Day as a reminder of the many hours of service offered. Whether in or out of the service laser eye surgery offers a way to make the most of a soldier’s or veterans’ vision. Either because of special needs or special equipment, the medical system has […]
The Military and LASIK
In the month of November, the nation celebrates Veterans Day as a reminder of the many hours of service offered. Whether in or out of the service laser eye surgery offers a way to make the most of a soldier’s or veterans’ vision. Either because of special needs or special equipment, the medical system has […]
It’s All About The Frames
Though laser eye surgery reduces the need for glasses, it does not necessarily do away with eyewear. For days in the sun and some activities, a set of glasses may be needed. Work requirements often demand glasses be worn. Getting eyewear that you like makes it much more likely you will use it. The frames […]
Vegetable Days and Vegetable Ways for the Eyes
Long before considering a laser eye surgery, a person can maintain or strengthen a procedure by choosing vegetables that support eye health. Eye diseases rise as age does. Some of the eye issues come from patients dealing with chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. Other eye issues arise from genetics or environmental factors […]
Astigmatism and Laser Eye Surgery
Mostly unknown today but a Norwegian ophthalmologist with cataracts did astigmatic keratotomy in 1885. Since then, much has been learned in the knowledge of the condition and tools. In modern times the use of photorefractive techniques has treated refractive (bending of the light in the eyes) errors from astigmatism with excimer lasers in myopic eyes. […]